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Всеукраїнська громадська організація 'Асоціація - Моя Родина', УКРАЇНА БЕЗ СИРІТ

Ukrainian (UA)English (United Kingdom)German (DE)

The needs of those FTCH/FF who didn't undergo CPD till level 5 or 7 are removed!

Dear families,
according to the notice that was sent through mailout about updating of personal data and execution of CPD from the personal pages of the families who didn't update their data their needs are removed from publication. The needs will be published only after your updating of your personal data and execution of CPD till levels 5 or 7.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom.5:8)

Foster families (FF) in Zhytomyr Oblast

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1 Прийомна сім’я Ярмоленко
Ярмоленко Людмила Вікторівна